Это готовый шаблон сайта-портфолио, который содержит 4 страницы: главная, работы, обо мне и контакты. Шаблон легко редактируется и доступен бесплатно как для личного, так и для коммерческого использования.
⚡️ПроДизайн — шаблоны, сервисы и качественные материалы!
Ultimate Brand Identify Design Bundle
Welcome to the Ultimate Brand Identity Template Bundle
Streamline your brand identity projects with this carefully designed template bundle available for Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator and Figma. More than just a collection of files, it's a complete toolkit for that streamlines your entire brand identity project.
Flux Academy – Web Design Masterclass
Break free from templates and cookie-cutter designs. Learn to craft stunning and high-impact websites that wow clients.
Password: www.downloadly.ir
Welcome to our video editing community! Here you'll find everything you need to create stunning videos:
● Daily updates of trending templates and effects
● Educational materials on video editing and animation
● Free presets and packs for popular editors
● Tips on color correction and visual effects
Join! - Madbax Editors