Midjourney prompt: A vibrant and dynamic scene of chefs working in an open kitchen at Iñaki, located on the 19th floor of Patina Osaka. The chefs skillfully prepare dishes with wood-fired grilling, flames rising from the grill, and sizzling ingredients creating a fiery atmosphere. The sleek, modern restaurant design features clean lines and high-end gourmet elements, with large windows showcasing stunning views of Osaka. Guests are engaged, watching the chefs in action, as the rich Basque culinary tradition blends with the energy of the kitchen and the city skyline in the background --style raw

Миджорни бот: @midjorobot
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Рассказывали недавно о проблеме на наших сайтах и сайтах клиентов – спам заявки.

Много в комментариях было обсуждений и видим, что частая проблема. Делимся тем, как мы побороли спам в Webflow с помощью ChatGPT. ↗️ В чем проблема: даже с антиспам-фильтром Webflow, встроенной защитой от ботов и Google reCAPTCHA, наши клиенты столкнулись с потоком спама. Боты стали умнее и обходят стандартные механизмы. Мы пробовали скрытые поля, пытались интегрировать ReCAPTCHA v3 через n8n (Webflow не поддерживает её нативно), но это не давало 100% защиты. ↗️ Что внедрили: мы отказались от стандартной почтовой отправки Webflow и перевели формы на Webhook в n8n. Как работает схема: 1. Отключаем стандартные формы Webflow через атрибуты FormSubmit. 2. Создаём Webhook в n8n и вставляем его в поле Action формы Webflow. 3. Подключаем Google ReCAPTCHA – запрос обрабатывается через HTTP-запрос к ReCAPTCHA API. 4. Фильтруем по CAPTCHA – если пользователь её не прошёл, блокируем отправку. 5. Подключаем ChatGPT 4.0 mini как антиспам-фильтр. Он анализирует содержимое заявки и решает, спам это или нет. ↗️ Почему это работает? ChatGPT не просто проверяет текст на ключевые слова, а анализирует логику, адекватность и формат данных. Например, если в поле имени набор случайных символов – заявка блокируется. ↗️ Стоимость? Минимальная. ChatGPT 4.0 mini стоит копейки, а эффективность в разы выше стандартных решений. Итог: почти 100% защита от спама без потерь заявок. Хотите подробную инструкцию с настройками? Пишите «n8n» в комментариях, сделаем разбор.
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Spray - Stencil Spray Paint Effect

Эффект распыления аэрозольной краски по трафарету #action @seif_designera 🗄
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Crash Course on Making Action/Fantasy Scripts
Курс посвящен по рисованию комиксов 👀 Скачать 😄 Графика и дизайн
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Facely - MetaPeople 3D Avatar
Различные 3Д аватары #action @seif_designera 🗄
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Grunge Duotone Photo Effects Pack
Набор двухцветных гранжевых фотоэффектов #action @seif_designera 🗄
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⭐️ Fur Generator 2 Photoshop Action
Экшен для создания мохнатых надписей и фигур с возможностью добавить симпатичные ушки 📁 ATN, PSD, ABR, GRD, ASL 💼 #Экшены #Photoshop ℹ️ ПОДРОБНЕЕ І 📥 СКАЧАТЬ 🤖 @HiStockBot - бот для заказа файлов с Envato Elements, Motion Array, Artlist и Freepik
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Photoshop "Path Shadow" Action
Эффекты контурной тени и гибкости #action @seif_designera 🗄
💥 Action Hit Effects — теперь удар по мячу будет чувствоваться через экран.
У нас уже тут есть Realistic Hits and Rumbles Effects, Action Hit Effects тоже HIT, не много другой, с большим колличеством настроек от скорости до RGB и аберраций. 🔥 Почему это апгрейд для вашего Resolve: — Тотальный контроль — двигайте точку удара, накручивайте глитчи, рвите экран RGB-сбоями. Это как GTA для монтажёра, — Скорость+хаос — пресеты срабатывают быстрее, чем клиент перед дедлайном, — Видеоурок внутри. #эффекты 🛒 Купить тут 📥 Скачать тут
Midjourney prompt: https://s.mj.run/jS6ekvzT2kk https://s.mj.run/KX7HC-em7_k A warm and inviting kitchen bathed in natural light, featuring a well-organized wooden countertop with stainless steel 316 cookware in action. A sleek frying pan and casserole, designed without rivets, are cooking fresh ingredients like vegetables, meat, and herbs, releasing gentle steam for a realistic effect. Surrounding utensils, including knives, wooden spoons, and spice jars, add authenticity to the scene. The background is sharp and detailed, showcasing a cozy kitchen with natural textures like stone and wood. The cookware remains unmodified, preserving its seamless, rivet-free design. Ultra-realistic, natural ambiance, balanced composition. --v 6.1
Миджорни бот: @midjorobot
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Midjourney prompt: https://s.mj.run/jS6ekvzT2kk https://s.mj.run/KX7HC-em7_k A warm and inviting kitchen bathed in natural light, featuring a well-organized wooden countertop with stainless steel 316 cookware in action. A sleek frying pan and casserole, designed without rivets, are cooking fresh ingredients like vegetables, meat, and herbs, releasing gentle steam for a realistic effect. Surrounding utensils, including knives, wooden spoons, and spice jars, add authenticity to the scene. The background is sharp and detailed, showcasing a cozy kitchen with natural textures like stone and wood. The cookware remains unmodified, preserving its seamless, rivet-free design. Ultra-realistic, natural ambiance, balanced composition. --v 6.1
Миджорни бот: @midjorobot
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Midjourney prompt: https://s.mj.run/jS6ekvzT2kk https://s.mj.run/KX7HC-em7_k A warm and inviting kitchen bathed in natural light, featuring a well-organized wooden countertop with stainless steel 316 cookware in action. A sleek frying pan and casserole, designed without rivets, are cooking fresh ingredients like vegetables, meat, and herbs, releasing gentle steam for a realistic effect. Surrounding utensils, including knives, wooden spoons, and spice jars, add authenticity to the scene. The background is sharp and detailed, showcasing a cozy kitchen with natural textures like stone and wood. The cookware remains unmodified, preserving its seamless, rivet-free design. Ultra-realistic, natural ambiance, balanced composition. --v 6.1
Миджорни бот: @midjorobot
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Midjourney prompt: https://s.mj.run/jS6ekvzT2kk https://s.mj.run/KX7HC-em7_k A warm and inviting kitchen bathed in natural light, featuring a well-organized wooden countertop with stainless steel 316 cookware in action. A sleek frying pan and casserole, designed without rivets, are cooking fresh ingredients like vegetables, meat, and herbs, releasing gentle steam for a realistic effect. Surrounding utensils, including knives, wooden spoons, and spice jars, add authenticity to the scene. The background is sharp and detailed, showcasing a cozy kitchen with natural textures like stone and wood. The cookware remains unmodified, preserving its seamless, rivet-free design. Ultra-realistic, natural ambiance, balanced composition. --v 6.1
Миджорни бот: @midjorobot
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Midjourney prompt: https://s.mj.run/jS6ekvzT2kk https://s.mj.run/KX7HC-em7_k A warm and inviting kitchen bathed in natural light, featuring a well-organized wooden countertop with stainless steel 316 cookware in action. A sleek frying pan and casserole, designed without rivets, are cooking fresh ingredients like vegetables, meat, and herbs, releasing gentle steam for a realistic effect. Surrounding utensils, including knives, wooden spoons, and spice jars, add authenticity to the scene. The background is sharp and detailed, showcasing a cozy kitchen with natural textures like stone and wood. The cookware remains unmodified, preserving its seamless, rivet-free design. Ultra-realistic, natural ambiance, balanced composition. --v 6.1
Миджорни бот: @midjorobot
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Midjourney prompt: https://s.mj.run/jS6ekvzT2kk https://s.mj.run/KX7HC-em7_k A warm and inviting kitchen bathed in natural light, featuring a well-organized wooden countertop with stainless steel 316 cookware in action. A sleek frying pan and casserole, designed without rivets, are cooking fresh ingredients like vegetables, meat, and herbs, releasing gentle steam for a realistic effect. Surrounding utensils, including knives, wooden spoons, and spice jars, add authenticity to the scene. The background is sharp and detailed, showcasing a cozy kitchen with natural textures like stone and wood. The cookware remains unmodified, preserving its seamless, rivet-free design. Ultra-realistic, natural ambiance, balanced composition. --v 6.1
Миджорни бот: @midjorobot
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Midjourney prompt: https://s.mj.run/jS6ekvzT2kk https://s.mj.run/KX7HC-em7_k A warm and inviting kitchen bathed in natural light, featuring a well-organized wooden countertop with stainless steel 316 cookware in action. A sleek frying pan and casserole, designed without rivets, are cooking fresh ingredients like vegetables, meat, and herbs, releasing gentle steam for a realistic effect. Surrounding utensils, including knives, wooden spoons, and spice jars, add authenticity to the scene. The background is sharp and detailed, showcasing a cozy kitchen with natural textures like stone and wood. The cookware remains unmodified, preserving its seamless, rivet-free design. Ultra-realistic, natural ambiance, balanced composition. --v 6.1
Миджорни бот: @midjorobot
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Midjourney prompt: https://s.mj.run/jS6ekvzT2kk https://s.mj.run/KX7HC-em7_k A warm and inviting kitchen bathed in natural light, featuring a well-organized wooden countertop with stainless steel 316 cookware in action. A sleek frying pan and casserole, designed without rivets, are cooking fresh ingredients like vegetables, meat, and herbs, releasing gentle steam for a realistic effect. Surrounding utensils, including knives, wooden spoons, and spice jars, add authenticity to the scene. The background is sharp and detailed, showcasing a cozy kitchen with natural textures like stone and wood. The cookware remains unmodified, preserving its seamless, rivet-free design. Ultra-realistic, natural ambiance, balanced composition.
Миджорни бот: @midjorobot
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