
Mega GFX Pack Скачать↘️ t.me/tochkapsd_files/1190 @tochkapsd

Friends, sometimes I do not know what to post, it would be better if you tell me what you want, what we have:

⤵️ PSDLY.com ⤵️ Gfxfather.com ⤵️ Wsodownloads in ( no limits ) For Psdly or Gfxfather drop links, put username, we will tag you and post them on the channel.👍


️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️Скачать Большой GFX пак, который включает в себя свыше 50 элементов. Каждый файл уникален, отсканирован и был с любовью вырезан вручную в отличном качестве. #материалы Для полного доступа в приватный канал напишите @bricklover
Делаем свет из окна в Фотошопе 2024 🪟
#photoshop 1 шаг. Берем инструмент «прямоугольное выделение», нажимаем CTRL+BACKSPACE; 2 шаг. Дублируем фигуры с помощью CTRL+J, выделяем все и объединяем (CTRL+E); 3 шаг. Правой кнопкой мыши нажимаем «выделить пиксели», скрываем слой, создаем кор. слой «экспозиция», регулируем настройки, заходим в свойства, регулируем плавность; 4 шаг. Выбираем инструмент «выделение объектов» и выделяем девочку, выбираем маску «экспозиции»; 5 шаг. Трансформируем (CTRL+T), выбираем вкладку «деформация», искажаем полоски; 6 шаг. Выбираем черную кисть непрозрачностью 60% и проходимся по области лица. Готово! Автор: @gfxom">@gfxom TOP Tutorial
Praizist gfx pack
Пак из более 106 полезных инструментов #action @seif_designera 🗄
#VIP #UI8 #GFX #Mockup #Macbook
18 Macbook Pro Mockups In this collection, 18 files in PSD format with the highest quality have been prepared so that you can present your portfolio in a professional and highest quality manner. @iReponline
Black Friday Offer 💎
MORE THEN 60 Courses 1. Ben Marriott - Design Breakthrough 2. Cut To Client 3. Stunning C4D Portfolio: Cinematic Video Production 4. VIDEO PRODUCTION+ 5. Editors UTR+ 6. Become UI design job ready in 30 days 7. Master Modeling Cosmetics in Blender 3.1 (Intermediate Course for 3D Product Modeling) 8. Ai Model Training 9. Expert Creator Blueprint 10. Blender 3.0 Master Class for Product Photographers & Designers (From Absolute Beginner to Pro) 11. Master Texturing in Blender 3.2 (Product Texture Introduction to Pro) 12. Editors League (+5$) 13. Flatpack Animation Pro Course 14. AevyTV's Video Mastery Cohort 7 15. UX/UI Design Course by Mizko 16. Making Real-Time Cinematic Videos With Unreal Engine 5 17. GFXWRLD® Lab 18. The Animated Rooms 19. CATNA Protocol 20. The Super Ultimate Guide to Design Systems 21. Ai Model Training 22. Motion Beast 23. Blender Fundamentals 24. 4 WEEK FILMMAKER 25. Intouxdesign - Research & Strategy 26. Thumbnail Designer Academy 27. blinkmybrain - The Art Of Making Cool 28. Design Pre-production: Planning and Creating 2D Artwork 29. Tom Noske – Video Creator Academy 30. 7 Figure Freelancer 31. The Sauce Club 32. Framer Zero To Hero Course · A Framer Masterclass 33. Master the Art of Crafting Eye-Catching 34. 3D Hard-Surface Modeling and Animation 35. Motion Design Pre-production: Planning and Creating 2D Artwork 36. Digitally Enhanced Club 37. 3D Hard-Surface Modeling and Animation 38. Mastering Houdini on a new level: The Symbiote Creature 39. Viral Secrets: Monetization 40. AevyTV's Video Mastery Cohort 7.8 41. Beginner Motion Graphics with Fluid Simulation in Blender 42. Seamless Loops in Cinema 4D 43. Marvelous Designer: A Complete Virtual Fashion Workshop 44. Mastering Zbrush: Unleash the Power of Stylized Hard Surface 45. Accelerating 3D Workflow: Efficiency and Speed 46. Building a professional 3D Logo from Scratch 47. Sound Design for Motion Artists 48. Texturing a High Detail Sci-Fi Asset 49. Shape Your First Zbrush Model 50. 2D Smoke Effects in the Animation Industry 51. Blender Uncovered 52. Abundance School Upcoming + 10 More Courses are waiting you! Support with: Freepik, Envato, Motion Array, Pngtree, Ui8, Craftwork Design, Ls Graphics, Psdly. ⤵️All courses: 10$ / Monthly ✔️The offer lasts until November 29th ❗️All courses are in GEM and VEP format, you must have windows or mac os Any question: @keyzobb
👁Thrift Shop Textures (Vol. 2) (https://gfxwrld.com/products/vintage-textures-vol-2)
💾Download(https://t.me/designlabfiles/1914) 💎Private preview (https://t.me/grphcdsgnprivate)⟨ #graphics