@df9ll Coloso High-Quality product video that maximizes the appeal of the Product

“Take advantage of the industry's most covered four-country product line to learn the key skills for creating ultra-real-world product footage as a hands-on work process. " I downloaded and uploaded the course to Google drive, there are VEP format files there, later we will upload them to mp4 ⤵️ LINK ENG | 💭 Chat |✔️ CHANNEL ✔️ #course #free

Energy Explosions Pack for After Effects

Набор футажей энергетических взрывов 💾 СКАЧАТЬ #Footage #Elements #VFX #Effects #AfterEffects

Energy Explosions Pack for After Effects

Набор футажей энергетических взрывов 💾 СКАЧАТЬ #Footage #Elements #VFX #Effects #AfterEffects

Speed Ramp Pro for Davinci Resolve

No more Speed Ramp Issue for Davinci Resolve Users with this Plug in Does it work with... Yeah, it works with any footage, resolutions, camera motions,... anything Is this a template pack ? Nope, my issue with template packs for speed ramping is you would need as many templates as there is speed ramping possible. And that's a lot! SpeedRampPro is not a template pack because it can be used on any footage. ⤵️ LINK  💭 Chat ✔️ CHANNEL ✔️ #plugin #davinci #free
After Effects, Project Files *.AE, Premiere Pro, Apple Motion Templates, Footages - VideoHive, MotionArray, MotionElements
BigFilms - Blockbuster Starter Pack
BigFilms - Blockbuster Starter Pack
Doctor Strange Ultimate VFX Pack
Набор футажей для создания эффектов в стиле Доктора Стрэнджа 💾 СКАЧАТЬ #Footage #VFX #Effects #AfterEffects #PremierePro #FinalCut #Davinci
Doctor Strange Ultimate VFX Pack
Набор футажей для создания эффектов в стиле Доктора Стрэнджа 💾 СКАЧАТЬ #Footage #VFX #Effects #AfterEffects #PremierePro #FinalCut #Davinci
⭐️Santa Claus Delivers Christmas Gift
#️⃣#footage ⬇️Download Press 🥰 for AE Stock & Edits
BigFilms — MI6 - Action Pack
Набор из более 400 эффектов, для экшн-проектов. 💾 СКАЧАТЬ #Footage #VFX #Effects #AfterEffects #PremierePro #FinalCut #Davinci
BigFilms — MI6 - Action Pack
Набор из более 400 эффектов, для экшн-проектов. 💾 СКАЧАТЬ #Footage #VFX #Effects #AfterEffects #PremierePro #FinalCut #Davinci
Rain on Window Pack
Шаблон для создания капель дождя на стекле 💾 СКАЧАТЬ #Footage #VFX #Effects #AfterEffects
Rain on Window Pack
Шаблон для создания капель дождя на стекле 💾 СКАЧАТЬ #Footage #VFX #Effects #AfterEffects
⭐️The Counting Machine Counts Banknotes
#️⃣#footage ⬇️Download Press 🥰 for AE Stock & Edits
Эффект разворачивания бумаги в Premiere Pro
Pack Of Realistic Ground Fires
Небольшой набор футажей с огнём на земле 💾 СКАЧАТЬ #Footage #VFX #Effects #AfterEffects #PremierePro
Pack Of Realistic Ground Fires
Небольшой набор футажей с огнём на земле 💾 СКАЧАТЬ #Footage #VFX #Effects #AfterEffects #PremierePro
After Effects, Project Files *.AE, Premiere Pro, Apple Motion Templates, Footages - VideoHive, MotionArray, MotionElements
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